Do you remember that show –
Kids Say the Darndest Things
? I loved that show because really, there is nothing funnier than the things that come out a child’s mouth (or the things they do!)
In our house, Buddy (age 5) is usually the one to say the off the wall things, although Buggy did have her masterful moment when we brought Buddy home from the hospital and gave him his first bath:
Daddy holding naked Buddy over the bathtub.
Buggy: “Daddy, his who-who fell down!”
At 28 months old, I didn’t think I had to explain the physical differences between boys and girls just yet!
Lucky for Buggy, Buddy became old enough to talk and has taken the spotlight ever since with the things that come out of his mouth!
When I was pregnant with Lil Miss and went in for my 26 week check up, Buddy decided his baby needed to be checked too:
A few months ago, Buddy told me he wanted hearing aids. I asked him why and his response? “So when people tell me things that I don’t want to hear, I can just turn them off and not hear them.”
And kids take everything so literal!
Buggy: I have a friend named Ellie from China.
Buddy: If she lived in China she’d be late everyday.
I’m sure every parent can relate with the child’s first hair cut… done by themselves.
Or they tell it like it is. The other night on our way home from dinner, Buddy was thirsty and our conversation was something like this:
Buddy: I’m so full. Except my water tube is empty.
Me: You have a water tube in your tummy?
Buddy: Yep.
He also likes to touch everything and then get loud and goofy while looking silly (which can be cute, but there have been times its embarrassing!)
And of course he has to repeat everything he hears on TV so when he randomly shouts “Captain A-hole”, I turn my head and walk way, pretending I’ve never seen him before (Daddy thought it was appropriate to let him watch Jeff Dunham’s Peanut character do stand up!)
Kids are just 100% random. (Don’t you wear Christmas lights on your forehead all the time?)
99% of the time, the surprising things that come out of his mouth are crazy and funny and cute and sometimes they are downright embarrassing.
NickMom shared the
(and they are hilarious!)
I am thinking I will have to start sending in Buddy’s lines to be used on
as they really are a surprise when they come out of his mouth! And of course storing up the funny photos I capture to send in as well!
is a website where you can share the funny things kids say and do with others who really get it! (Or you know, you’re kids are being a pain so you can borrow someone else’s kid on the site to make you laugh!)
Additionally, on November 21st at 9pm EST, you can join
for the
Twitter Party!
You can see the official rules and RSVP
What are some of the funny things your kids have said?