Disclosure: This post is written on behalf of
. All opinions are 100% my own.
I would not say I am a “helicopter” mom or that I worry a lot, but some things do scare me and my kids on the internet is definitely one of those things that makes me incredibly nervous.
I don’t typically allow computer time at home, but regardless, they use computers at school.
Below are 5 tips to keep kids safe online and how Bing in the Classroom can help!
5 Tips to Keep Kids Safe Online
1. Set a time limit and make sure you are available for that time to monitor their screen time use.
2. Know what sites your children are visiting. If your child is old enough for social sites, be sure to set ground rules such as who they talk to, what they share, etc. Be sure you know how those sites work too – you can’t keep your child safe if you don’t know how the site works.
3. Talk to your child about the dangers of talking to strangers online and sharing personal information. They should not be talking to strangers or giving out their address, phone number, school information, etc. Any identifying information that can be traced back to your child is dangerous information.
4. Discuss with your child cyberbulling to ensure they know what to do if they are a victim and ensure they aren’t the bully.
5. Teach them to not click on links or ads without permission.
How Bing in the Classroom Can Help
We all know those pesky ads that pop up all the time in our search engines while trying to find something. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get distracted by them so you can only imagine what our children must do with them!
, all advertising is removed, there are strict filters for adult content, and enhanced privacy protection.
While websites discovered and visited after the search will still have ads, there won’t be any distracting ads to take away from your search in the Bing search engine.
Along with providing educational enhancements, Bing in the Classroom removes ads and blocks searches from being used for personalized advertising for all Bing searches done through the school’s network, making Bing the only major search engine to provide a search offering tailored specifically for the classroom.
Support Your School
Bing in the Classroom has made it even easier for people to support the schools they care about.
Bing Rewards program enables people to earn credits towards Surface tablets for a school of their choice simply by signing up and searching with Bing. It is easy to see how many Rewards credits an individual school has earned. You can search for any school by ZIP code and see how many other people are contributing, how many Surface tablets the school has earned so far, and how many credits are needed to earn the next Surface. And we’ll also tell you if the school is registered for the search enhancements, so you can know if your kids are receiving ad-free, safer, more private search in the classroom when they choose Bing.
Anyone can earn credits just by searching the web with Bing—similar to a frequent flyer program. Credits can be donated to help get free Microsoft Surface tablets for schools. It’s easy! All you have to do is stay signed in as you search with Bing.
Sign Up For Bing Rewards
To begin supporting schools with Bing rewards, simply visit the
and select “Find your school” map in the lower right corner of the page.
Next, enter your school’s zip code and select the name of your school via the dropdown menu and select “Find”.
From here, select the “Support Your School” section and click on the “Try it now, FREE!” section. You’ll be prompted to create a Microsoft account, or sign in with your Facebook account. All you have to do is stay signed in as you search with Bing to earn credits.
I am going to support my kids’ elementary school – who’s school will you support?
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