A couple of years ago, a fellow blogger started the
– a weekend that occurred twice a year that was devoted to focusing on your blog.
I participated for the first two and somehow fell out of the loop. Fortunately, I have found them again and will be joining the Biannual Blogathon this year too!
This post is a mini challenge for the Blogathon and while anyone is welcome to use the information from this challenge (and please do!) Blogathon participants are eligible for prizes. (And it’s not too late to join in on the
One of my biggest pet peeves is when I go to share someone’s post via Twitter, but when the tweet comes up, it’s not configured.
What does that mean?
It means that when you go to tweet something, you want that tweet to read:
Diapering Baby on the Go with Stylish Baby Wipes [link] via @YOURTWITTERHANDLE
Not @sharethis or @wordpressdotcom some other Twitter handle.
You want the readers on Twitter to know where the article came from.
Maybe I retweeted your tweet to my followers and they like the topic and want to head over to your Twitter profile and follow you. Without the correct Twitter handle attached to the tweet, they don’t know where to go.
Personally, for me, if someone retweets recipes or crafts from someone, I am likely to want to follow the cook or crafter on Twitter and not have to necessarily leave Twitter to go to their blog, hunt down their Twitter follow – all while on my phone – and then lose my place on Twitter.
You want to make it as easy as possible for your readers!
How to Configure your Twitter Handle?
Head on into your dashboard – we’re looking for the plug in area.
Once you are in the plug in section of your dashboard, locate your social media share plug in.
I know a lot of people use Flare and at this time, so do I – so that is what I will be showing the images of.
As you can see right under the plug in, there are three options – configure, deactivate, and edit.
With the Flare plug in, you will click “configure”.
Scroll down to where the Twitter option is and you will see an area that says “via @” and then a box to input information. Put your Twitter handle there! (Do not put the @ sign, just your handle – the name that typically follows the @ on Twitter.)
Be sure to save any changes you made before you exit.
I Don’t Use Flare. Now What?
I know not everyone uses Flare.
Prior to a few months ago, I didn’t. Configuring my Twitter handle was just as easy.
Regardless of what social media sharing plug in I have used, there has always been a “configure” or “settings” options that once you go into, there is a place to configure your Twitter handle. (If you have Shareaholic, it appears that you need to click the big green “general website settings” button to configure.)
If you find yourself getting stuck trying to figure out how to configure your Twitter handle, please feel free to leave me a comment or shoot me an email ([email protected]). I would be more than happy to help you figure it out!
The Challenge
Be sure your Twitter handle is configured in your social media share plug in! If it’s not, configure it!
Leave me a comment letting me know that you have configured it with a link to a blog post you’d like me to tweet out to my Twitter followers to ensure it’s configured correctly!
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