Five Question Friday
‘Tis that time to link up with
for Five Question Friday. And just think, it’s the last Friday of the year!
Be sure to link up with us!
1. If you had to give 1 million dollars to just one person (not your spouse), who would it be and why?
One person and not my spouse? Hmmm… My daughter since she’ll go to college first? Ideally I would be able to divide it between the three children, but if it could only go to one, then Buggy will start college before her brother… right?
2. What bathroom stall do you typically go to FIRST?
Depends on the bathroom, but oddly enough, I avoid the ones by the walls (so the first or last stall) and any stall that is next to an occupied stall. Outside of those parameters, it doesn’t matter to me.
3. How do you prefer to shop: In-store or online?
Online. I hate in-store shopping! Besides, it’s so much easier and convenient for online shopping. Plus, the kids can’t see what they get where as I never go in-store shopping alone. The kids are always with.
4. What’s the weather like in your neck of the woods?
I say chilly, but people would stone me. It’s been the in the 50’s so I guess I shouldn’t complain!
5. Do you own a pair of Tom’s and what do you think? Overrated, underrated or about right?
I do not own them yet, but I have an order in. I am going to say overrated. I can’t believe the drama people create over a pair of shoes! Ridiculous. Or maybe I’m missing what the big deal is about? I don’t know. Enlighten me?