Dear Hacker – Life as Leels

Dear Hacker,

Why do you hack?

In all honesty, I am being serious. What do you gain from hacking?

I asked hubby this question because I am seriously at a loss as to what you gain from hacking and he believes it is the satisfication of causing chaos and frustration.

That makes sense. I can understand that. On a small level, I can see it humurous to mess with big companies. You know, those companies that make millions while we struggle as a “low income” family. Kind of like sticking it to the man. I get that. I can understand that.

By why bloggers and small business? We don’t make millions. We are the low income and middle income families. We are struggling to do what we can do to get by and you hack us.

What did bloggers do to you? Where is messing with someone’s livlihood and family humorous or entertaining?

Many bloggers I know are stay at home parents in one way or another. Some bloggers I know rely entirely on their blogging income to take care of their family. For me, blogging is a part time income to my already part time income that gets combined with hubby’s full time income. None of which we can rely solely on for raising our family.

No blogger I know makes millions and that little bit of down time – whether it be a few hours, a few minutes, or a few days – can really impact a blogger and their income.

For a blogger, every second of every minute of every day of every week of every month impacts our statistics. Those statistics are what are asked of us – they are like our resume. So that “resume” of numbers determines our income, our livlihood.

Why mess with that?

Then I thought that maybe it was your way of showing off your skills. Wanting to brag.

I get that too. You can do something totally badass and want people to recognize it. I get that. I see it. I recognize it.

But let’s be real, isn’t there a better way to get the recognition? I mean clearly you are some kind of genius with a computer so why not put your skills to good use? Do something amazing that people can be proud of you for and recognize your talent?

I’m being real here. You clearly have a talent. Use it for good. Not bad.

I am just trying to understand the often asked question – “what does a hacker want with my site?” I really (and I’m sure others) would like to know.

If you are a hacker and read this, please, feel free to email me the answer and I would be more than happy to share with my readers your answers.

And if you are a hacker and you’re reading this and you are going to hack my site, seriously, the least you could do is email me and tell me why. I’ll tell you right now, I earn less than $300 a month on this site so it’s not going to do you any good, but it will harm me and my family. Maybe that will make you think twice next time before you hack and try to sabotage the livlihood of a blogger. (Or maybe not…?)