Day 12 of the 30 Day Challenge
Day 12: Bullet your whole day.
Well, this is going to be a very disappointing post! Unfortunately, today is going to be quite boring because it is Sunday- my relaxation day! Work days are much more entertaining!
-Kids came in about 7am this morning. Crawled in my bed where we watched Looney Tunes and Pokemon.
-Shortly before 8am, we went into the living room to watch t.v. so I could make blueberry muffins for breakfast.
-Between my two kiddos (aged 5 and 3) they went through an accumulative of 12 blueberry muffins. They allowed me to eat the last pan which consisted of 3 muffins. Aren’t they kind?
-I managed to finish 6 of 54 follows on an Alexa blog hop while the kids watched television.
-Got the kids ready and left for the in-laws about 9:30am.
-Hung out the in-laws playing, talking, visiting, having lunch.
-Got home around 2pm. The kids listened to music, danced, and colored while I read my book.
-About 2:30pm it was rest time so we put on some t.v. The kids laid down watching t.v. while mommy passed in and out of sleep for the next three hours!
-Ate dinner.
-Prepped for bed.
-Kids went down about 7pm, but didn’t actually fall asleep until 8pm. Daddy watched football while mommy read.
-We were in bed before 8:30pm. Hubby passed out well before 9pm and I tossed and turned until about 10pm.
Sorry it’s a day late, but I forgot I had to finish my bullets. And needless to say, my night was actually more interesting than my day!
Buddy (my 3 year old) got up shortly after 3:30am asking if he could sleep with us. He climbed into bed, coaxed him back to sleep, but at 4:30am when hubby was walking out the door, Buddy asked what he was doing. Next thing I remember is hubby bringing Buddy’s pillow and blanket back to his room.
Shortly after 5am, I hear a bunch of clanging and can see there are lights on in the house. I knew hubby left for work already because he starts at 5am.
I go out, EVERY light in the house is on and my son is standing on a chair in the closet dropping DVD’s and movies into a plastic tub.
I rush him back to bed, turn out all the lights, take the tub away, put the chair away, head back to bed where I can hear on the baby monitor that he is NOT going back to sleep. He got back up, went into the living room where he turned the lights on AGAIN.
I’ve had enough- I want to sleep- so I brought him back to my bed, turned on the t.v. and laid there until the alarm went off 6:30am to get my daughter ready for school.
Talk about a long night!