Adding to My Bucket List
My bucket list originated January 1st 2012.
I have since updated, added and crossed off items from my bucket list since that time; the last time being in March of 2013.
I figured, I may as well update and add some more!
1. Pay off our car. (Almost there! Two more payments!)
I just mailed our last payment yesterday!
2. Pay enough on our van to refinance that stupid thing.
3. Stash away $10 per goal completed (stole this fab idea from Nap Time is My Time) I owe myself some money! LOL
4. Clean the garage! (We started at one point – just gotta finish! And as an update, we have started again, but again, have fallen off. Hence we have tubs stored in Buddy’s closet and boxes and tubs in the living room!)
5. Quit smoking.
I quit at the end of May 2012!
6. Lose 80 pounds.
7. Re-tile the entryway of our current home.
8. Re-do the entire kitchen area.
9. Re-tile the kitchen area.
10. Re-carpet the living room.
11. Re-do the floors in the dining room.
12. Buy a home… preferably this home.
13. Take the kids to the ocean (preferably NOT in January).
14. Finish painting the kids’ bathroom.
15. Write letters to each of my kids to read later in life.
16. Pay off my debt to my mother.
17. Pay off my debt to my father in law.
18. Go home for a vacation (not a wedding or funeral).
19. Get my Alexa rating under 100K. (I have to say, I was so close! I was at 131K until I had to re-brand!) I got it under 100K, but it has since gone up. It is still up, but it is no longer a focus for me.
20. Take the Christmas decorations down. As much as I’d love to cross this off – hubby forgot to take down the stockings that have been up all year! Ha! A year later and this goal has to stay because it needs to get taken down from this Christmas, LOL.
It took until mid February, but it finally got done!
21. Get the dog spayed.
22. Lawn work to the backyard.
23. Get a new vacuum.
DONE! In fact, I’ve gotten 2 new vacuums! (You can check out the newest vacuum
24. Get a massage!
25. Create a reward system for the kids.
26. Write a post about my re-branding fiasco.
27. Complete the A to Z Blog Challenge.
28. Re-do my Media Kit.
29. Get my PR back up to a 3.
30. Get my fan page back up to 4K.
I have doubled that!
31. Reach 10K on my fan page. Once upon a time I was so close and then Facebook started being wonky and I lost 1000 fans! I still look forward to one day hitting 10K.
32. Get a job!
33. Trademark my blog.
34. Take the kids camping.
35. Sell advertising on my blog.
While not much, I do have one advertiser!
36. Blog about the Day Zero Project each week. Scratch that. I will do monthly as an update.
37. Graduate my Master’s program!
38. Decide what I want to be when I grow up. I’m so close I can taste it!
See #46.
39. Do an A-Z recipe challenge for myself.
40. Clean and organize our room. It’s so bad, we can’t even get to our closet!
41. Take the kids to play in the snow. All of them. Buggy has when she was 2, Buddy never has and Baby #3 clearly hasn’t. I want them all to experience snow at least once as a child.
42. Figure out how to get myself to Ireland without a complete anxiety attack.
43. Ditto to Australia too.
44. Participate in the Susan G. Komen 3 Day just to be able to say I did it.
45. Participate in the overnight Out of the Darkness walk one of these years.
46. Start a non-profit for survivors of suicide.
47. Start a savings account.
48. Start a savings account for each child.
49. Write a book.
50. Cross off at least 5 items before the end of 2013!