The Broken Gift {Book Review} – Life as Leels

The Broken Gift {Book Review}

I was approached to read something that is a little out of ordinary for me to read and review on my site, but, being who I am and what my belief system is, I took on the task – eager to see what was beyond the cover.

Was Adam the first man? Was man created by divine act in less than one day almost 6,000 years ago, as the Bible suggests?

Or did man appear 200,000 years ago as the culmination of numerous human-like species that existed during a span of millions of years, as the scientific record shows?

Both cannot be right. Or can they?

Imagine there exist manuscripts, written centuries ago, that could help us objectively decipher Genesis and thereby extract the timeline and key events recounting the appearance and early history of our species, Homo sapiens, precisely as identified by the latest scientific evidence derived from the fossil record and genetic studies.

The Broken Gift carefully examines the relationship between scientific theory and Biblical teachings. The book approaches the human origins debate from a fresh perspective informed by both scientific and scriptural research. The book demonstrates alignment between key events and their dates relating to the appearance and early history of our species as described in Genesis chapters 1 through 11 (Adam, Adam’s descendants, the Flood, and the fall of Babel) with those derived from scientific observation.

My Thoughts:

This really is a book that is not in my usual repertoire for reading.

I have to admit, it was a little dry for my taste, but again – not a book topic or choice I read on a normal basis, so it was a whole different ball game for me reading this.

While I did struggle to get through the book (I promise you it was my attention span, not the content of the book!) I enjoyed the actual content. (And I will be seeking out his first book to go with this one – something that is not necessary to read

The Broken Gift

, but something I would like to explore the content of.)

I am the type of person that questions everything and I have very different beliefs than most that I know so the content was right up my alley and it definitely had my wheels turning. I am thankful that I read the Kindle version because there were several times that I stopped reading to take notes (which I was able to do right in the Kindle).

I know that this book is not for everyone – there are some people in my personal life that I would not recommend this book too. I do recommend this book to readers who have an open mind and the ability to explore both sides of the argument, I believe you will enjoy this book.

Author’s Website

About the Author:

Born in Chile and raised in Canada, Daniel Friedmann studies the origin of the universe and life on earth from both the scientific and Biblical perspectives. He holds a master’s degree in engineering physics and is CEO of a leading Canadian aerospace company. Daniel Friedmann’s first book, The Genesis One Code, demonstrated an alignment between key events and times as described in the creation narrative in the book of Genesis with those derived from scientific theory and observation. Through his writings, speaking engagements and appearances on television and radio, he wishes to help the young and all students of our world put science and the Bible into mutually comprehensible, and in turn respectful, contexts.

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