Drone Strike: An Anthony Provati Thriller by Joe Giordano {Book Review} – Life as Leels

Drone Strike: An Anthony Provati Thriller by Joe Giordano {Book Review}

An ‘on the edge of your seat’ suspenseful thriller that follows a terrorist from ISIL to the US.

Disclosure: I received this book to review through ITALY BOOK TOURS, I have volunteered to share my review and all the opinions are 100% my own.

Karim’s family is killed by a U.S. drone strike in Iraq, collateral damage. The Islamic State in the Levant exploits his rage, recruiting him for a terrorist attack on the U.S., and only Anthony Provati can stop him. Drone Strike takes you on a fast-paced adventure across the Mediterranean, into Mexico, finally arriving in the States. Drone Strike explores the psychological realities that seduce Karim to commit an act of terror, includes a love story between Moslem Karim and Miriam, a Christian woman he defends in Turkey, and highlights the plight of Middle Eastern and Central American refugees.

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Wow. This is the type of book that is so life like that you are afraid to like it (or admit out loud that you liked it).

It was very real life – like, this could be happening in every day life, today, and we wouldn’t have the slightest idea because well, that’s just how it works.

The story follows Karim, a normal family man in Iraq, who’s family is killed by an American drone. This attack turns him vengeful and in his journey to get revenge, he becomes an ISIL terrorist. (Seems legit. Who wouldn’t want revenge for their families’ death?)

Karim’s journey follows him as he sneaks out of Iraq and makes his way to the US. The characters involved, the secret organization, the reach that ISIL has – astonishing.

The entire journey had me on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next; what party would be involved in the next step; how the next step was going to play out.

Aside from Karim, there were several other key characters that we get involved in and play their own role in the entire journey.

If you like real life suspense; this book is right up your alley. Suspense, thrill – an edge of your seat terrorist journey.

About the Author

As a former International Executive Vice President of 3M, Joe Giordano’s experience included running a business in the Middle East out of Athens, Greece. Born in New York, he’s had first-hand experience with the cultures and most of the locations in

Drone Strike


Joe’s stories have appeared in more than one hundred magazines including

The Saturday Evening Post



. His novels,

Birds of Passage: An Italian Immigrant Coming of Age Story

(2015) and

Appointment with ISIL: An Anthony Provati Thriller

(2017) were published by Harvard Square Editions. Read the first chapters and sign up for his blog at http://joe-giordano.com/

Joe was among one hundred Italian-American authors honored by Barnes & Noble Chairman Len Riggio to march in the 2017 Manhattan, Columbus Day Parade.

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