Darcy at Tales from the Nursery did a post on
as well as what her results were (and if you visit her site, there is a hint in the upper left corner of what the sex of her unborn baby is).
I am still very early in my pregnancy and won’t be able to find out the gender of my baby for another 8 weeks, but I thought it would be fun anyway to see what some of the gender prediction tests online say!
This “test” takes either your conceive date or your due date plus your birth date. My results:
I went back and did this for Buggy. Her due date was December 27th 2005 (she was born on her due date) and the Chinese Gender Predictor says girl. That was accurate.
I did it for Buddy. His due date was May 1st 2008 and the Chinese Gender Predictor says boy. Again, that was accurate.
This is a 10 question quiz. Unfortunately, I am unable to answer it right now so I will have to come back to it. (I don’t have a heartbeat rate to answer question #2, but I will know Wednesday so I will update then!)
This one intrigued me the most. Apparently, if your child’s hairline on the back of their neck is at a point, the next child will be the opposite sex, but if the hairline on the back of their neck is straight across, the next child will be the same sex.
Buggy has a point meaning #2 would be the opposite of her and be a boy (true). Buddy’s hairline is straight across meaning baby #3 should be the same sex meaning it should be a
Old Wives Tales
Morning Sickness
– I never had it with the first two and haven’t had it with this one. According to the old wives tales, if you have no morning sickness, you will have a boy.
Salty vs. Sweet
– If you crave salty, you’re having a boy; if you crave sweet, you’re having a girl. I do remember with Buggy I craved sour gummy worms and M&M’s. I don’t recall cravings with Buddy. With #3, I’m craving salty chocolate. Does that mean I’m having one of each?
Hmmm… I guess it really is a toss up right now! I will update the quiz when I have a heartbeat otherwise, I guess we have to wait 8 weeks for the “official” results.
Did you do any gender predictor tests when you were pregnant? Were any of them accurate?
Update 1/17/13:
I meant to come back and update, but forgot. For the record, we are having a