Homemade Peanut Butter #Recipe – Life as Leels

Homemade Peanut Butter

Buddy eats peanut butter and jelly sandwiches like they are going out of style. And Buggy generally takes PB&J for lunch during the school year so we don’t have to fuss with ice packs keeping her lunch cool.

No joke, I should invest in peanut butter stock. I buy it by the huge jars full and it still doesn’t last long around here, so when I found an easy recipe for homemade peanut butter, I had to give it a try!

Here are the things you need to make your own homemade peanut butter:

No joke.

Peanuts and a food processor.

I got a food processor for myself at the beginning of the year so I could make homemade baby food for Lil Miss and knowing that one day, I wanted to try my hand at homemade peanut butter!

It was so easy.

Pour the peanuts into the food processor and process until the consistency is what you desire. Simple as that!

My kids are super picky and wanted it as creamy as I could get it.

I will tell you, the peanuts went through a variety of stages.

The whole peanuts went through a crushed stage and crumbled stage. It all then came together in a big crumbly ball and it was once that ball formed that you could see the peanuts getting creamy.

I would say I processed the peanuts for 10-15 minutes before the consistency was to my kids’ liking.

For this one, I made plain peanut butter. We had some extra left over that did not fit into the jar that I added honey too and it was delicious! I think next time I will try it with honey roasted peanuts!