How to Get a Better Night Sleep – Life as Leels











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I don’t know about you, but I struggle to fall asleep. I can be a zombie in the living room, watching TV with the hubs and then I lay down in bed and I am wide awake. No sleep in the near future, but with some of these tips; it has been getting easier.

How to Get a Better Night Sleep

1. Consistency. I will admit right here. Right now. I fail at consistency. I never go to bed at the same time and I certainly do not get up at the same time. Following a consistent routine helps you fall asleep easier.

2. Along with consistency means – do not sleep in! That throws your whole game off! Have you ever gotten so much sleep that rather than feeling refreshed, you feel even more tired? Yeah. That.

3. Be mindful of naps. A nap can be good and help recharge your self, but be smart about the time and limit the nap to a ‘cat nap’ – 15 to 20 minutes – just enough to kick start yourself again. Just make sure the ‘cat nap’ occurs in the early afternoon or you may find you have trouble falling asleep at night.

4. Expose yourself to bright light (preferably sunlight) first thing in the morning to help wake up.

5. Spend more time outside during the daylight hours. I know some of us get stuck in an office, but keep your windows open, take your breaks outside in the sunshine, or eat your lunch out in the sun. Keep your curtains and blinds open during the day. If you are stuck somewhere that the sun doesn’t shine much, you may consider investing in light therapy (a light specifically designed to be similar to sunlight.)

6. Avoid bright light up to 2 hours before your bedtime. This includes television, phones, tablets, etc. or at least turning the brightness down. I know I struggle with this one because when I can’t sleep, I play on my phone or read. Instead, play soft music or listen to audio books rather than read on a tablet.

7. I know that reading makes me tired so rather than watch television before bed, turning off the bright screens and reading a book helps get me tired for bed.

8. Keep your room dark when it’s time for sleep. The darker, the better. If you have to get up in the middle of the night, keep the lights to a minimum. A dim nightlight in the hallway or bathroom can help you fall asleep faster than if you have to turn all the lights on.

9. Be active. Regularly. Especially outside. Being active helps; being in the fresh air helps; being in the sunlight helps. Win. Win. Win. Just be sure you are not being overly active close to bed time. You want your activity to be early in the morning or in the afternoon (at least 3 to 6 hours before bedtime) so that your body has time to return to it’s calm self.

10. Be conscious of what you eat or drink. Clearly, caffeine near bedtime will make most people feel less sleepy. Caffeine should be eliminated after lunch time. Or at least 10 to 12 hours before bedtime.

11. Do not eat big, heavy meals close to bedtime. Not only is this good for sleep, but also good for your health. Should you want a snack, make it a light snack. For some, it can help fall asleep. For others, it can disrupt sleep. Know your body!

12. Avoid alcohol before bed. It is said that alcohol may help you relax and fall asleep faster, but it interferes with your actual sleep cycle and quality of sleep.

13. Avoid drinking a ton before bed. You all know that leads up to frequent potty breaks in the middle of the night which just messes everything up.

14. Clear your mind before bed. Growing up, I used to “journal” before bed. I would take out my calendar, write down the events from the day to get them out of my head and onto paper. You may find that meditation helps clear your mind before sleep. Whatever it is that you do to clear your mind so you can rest easier.

15. Still struggling to fall asleep at night? You may want to try

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