Perfect Holiday Gift for Parents with Bobee #NGgiftguide

Perfect Holiday Gift for Parents with Bobee #NGgiftguide

With the holidays right around the corner and us expecting baby #3, I wanted to find a great gift idea for new or expecting parents. And guess what? I found it!


This is the niftiest little contraption I have ever seen!

It came as a blank Bobee with different colored stickers (brown, pink, blue, yellow and green) to decorate.

I received it prior to knowing gender so I liked that if I was going to remain neutral, I could. But, since we did find out gender, we decided to use girl colors and as you can see – I love the combination of brown and pink!

It was super easy to install. It came with all the hardware so hubby just had to hang it for me and as you can see from the photo below – it took four easy screws.

And of course, I happened to have some disposable diapers laying around so we had to fill it up! I also got a thing of wipes because I was curious if a pack of wipes exposed would dry out. I am happy to report that the wipes were put in Saturday night and as of Tuesday night, they were still usable (they were not as wet as when first put in, but they were usable).

I really am in love with this and highly recommend for any new or expecting parent!

We put ours in a spot that is right next to the changing table to make it easier for access. I don’t have to worry about where to put the diapers and wipes – they are just right there on the wall in an easy access location. And I’ve played with taking the cover on and off to refill and it’s super easy!

Here is a YouTube video of how exactly to use your Bobee:

Bobee is being featured in the Noise Girls winter gift guide along with other great holiday ideas!

In addition, we will be giving away one Bobee! You can get a head start by liking Bobee on
and following Bobee on Twitter! Be sure to check out her website at