Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Activation Program on behalf of
for Proacitv+. I received samples of Proactiv+ to facilitate my review and a thank you item for participating.
If there is one thing I have learned since becoming a mom is that oily, acne prone skin isn’t only for the teen years!
I have found that my skin has gotten worse after each pregnancy and trying to keep it clear has been quite the task trying to find the right combination to rid the oily feel, but not dry out my sensitive skin or leave me splotchy.
When I was provided the opportunity and asked to provide a Proactiv Plus review, I jumped at the chance to try something new on my skin!
Proactiv+ system provides enhanced hydration, skin smoothing and mark reduction as well as an overall improvement in texture, tone, pore appearance and brightness in one elegant, 3 Step System leaving behind the clear, radiant skin we’ve always wanted, to make us feel beautiful and confident.
Let me just get this out of the way right now.
I have one con about Proactiv Plus – it is a multi step process.
I don’t always have time to do a 3 step process (twice a day at that) so that was a little frustrating. But, minus this ONE con, I have plenty more pro’s.
As you can see – I have oily skin:
The biggest pro I have about Proactiv Plus is that it worked.
I have to admit, I didn’t do the 3 step process every day (or twice a day for that matter), but when I did – it worked wonders.
I have not had a bad break out since I started using it (if I don’t do the 3 step, I always do at least step 1 – the Skin Smoothing Exfoliator – my favorite product of them all). I have had minimal break outs during that one time of the month, but my face has been much, much clearer since starting Proactiv Plus.
One thing I did notice is that if I did not use all 3 products, my face would get oily by afternoon so I have been trying to create a stricter routine to use all 3 products to keep the oil away for a fresh, clean face all day, every day.
Fresh out of the shower and after my Proactiv Plus routine
A plus (for me) is that my sensitive skin didn’t react harshly to the products.
The first use or two did give me a little red skin at first, but it didn’t last more than a few minutes and I haven’t had any other reaction.
My skin has not gotten dried out or splotchy like a lot of other products do to my face.
Here are the products that were included in the Proactiv Plus system:
PS: My apologies for the movement in the video. It was sitting on a table held in place by two other objects! I don’t know why it keeps moving, but after 5 attempts – this is what you get!
I highly recommend Proactiv Plus for those who have tried everything and can’t find a solution.
It really has made my face feel more fresh and clean and I’m not worried about oily forehead by the afternoon!
Personally, I feel the price tag is right and right now, if you
order Proactiv Plus, you can pick a free gift
I am shocked at not only the low cost of such an effective item – but that it really is an effective product!
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