Cache a Predator: A Geocaching Mystery by Michelle Weidenbenner {Book Review}











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As a mental health advocate, I feel it is my duty to warn readers that this book may be potentially triggering as it contains substance abuse, kidnapping, sexual abuse, and suicide. Please proceed with caution.






5 out of 5

Cache a Predator is a geocaching thriller about a father’s love, justice, and the unhinged game of hide-the-cache.

Officer Brett Reed will do anything to gain custody of his five-year-old daughter, Quinn. But when a judge grants Brett’s drug-addicted ex-wife custody and slaps him with a protective order for losing his temper, he fears for Quinn’s safety. Who will protect her now?

When Quinn is found abandoned on the streets, she’s placed in a temporary foster home until Child Protective Services can complete an assessment. It should only take a few days.

But a lot can happen in a few days.

Especially when there’s a deranged psychopath on the loose, someone who’s attacking pedophiles, someone who wants to protect children like Quinn, and someone who’s planting body parts in geocaching sites.

“The author has developed her innate talent to frame events with a clarity and color that keeps the reader anxious to turn the page to get to the next level of interest.”

“”This book is like watching Criminal Minds or Law and Order.”

Midwest Review said,

“Any who look for deep psychological elements in their mysteries will find this a satisfying read, moving beyond the usual one-dimensional focus on mystery to reach out and tweak the reader’s heart.”

– D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer

I’ve said it before, but I will say it again – I judge books by covers. I don’t ever read what they are about. I look at the cover and based on that, I determine if I want to read it or not, so I am always surprised by what is held in the pages when I start reading.

The beginning was a little confusing because we didn’t know who or why things were happening. It was very vague.

We then moved on to a second story line and I had to admit, I wasn’t sure how, or if, these two story lines would ever merge (and no, I’m not going to tell you whether they did or not.)

I will say, the book was a little dark – even for my liking. Just rethinking about it all gives me anxiety.

It was also a little gruesome, to be honest.

Regardless though, I really did like the book and hated putting it down at night (I have to sleep at some point!)

I didn’t peg the suspect until a third of the way through the book – which makes me happy. I hate reading a mystery and figuring out the who done it too soon in the book. This one was perfect timing for me in figuring out the who done it.

If you like mystery and can handle the darkness, I really think you would enjoy this book. It really was a great read that, like I said, if you can get past certain things, I would recommend you read.

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About the Author

Michelle grew up in the suburbs of Detroit with five brothers. She enjoys writing her novels and encouraging writers and readers alike. She is living her dream writing stories of real people searching for their dreams and confronting their fears, showing the passion of the characters’ plights, often giving her the ability to show the reader the ‘other’ side of the story. When she is not writing she enjoys life on the tennis court and is known as “Queen of the Rim Shots.”

Her debut novel, CACHE a PREDATOR, a geocaching mystery was launched in July, 2013 and has been an Amazon best-seller in the crime/thriller category.  Her other works include: Willow, Scattered Links, Kelly’s Story, Eclair Series, and The Vision in a Kiss.  She has won contests in both The Writer’s Journal and The Writer’s Digest. Love is Just a Word (Scattered Links) was a bronze medalist is the 2010 Frasier Contest, a 2011 semi-finalist in the ACFW Genesis Contest, and won the Aspiring Writer’s Contest withe THE READING ROOM, 2013.

Other books from Michelle Weidenbrenner that Life as Leels has reviewed:

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