March 31 Day Blog Challenge: Day 25
I had to giggle when I saw today’s topic –
describe your location
Well, first off, my exact location is dark (I don’t have the lights on) and chilly (the air conditioner is on). I am surrounded by a mess. To my left is the computer tower, some papers, my planner to keep me on track and my cell phone. Above me – more mess. School books, bills, mailing supplies. To my right, an even bigger mess. Papers, papers, and more papers is the best way to describe it.
I’m at my desk which resides in a little six by six corner in the back of my dining room. I’m next to a window that overlooks the backyard, but (a) we keep the blinds shut or the cats play in the window which then entices dog to play with cats (never a good combo) and (b) the backyard is nothing special to look at.
My general location is bright, sunny, breezy today with a high of 81 (which at 5:52pm the temp is currently at). The outdoors are more brown than they are green with all kinds of dessert landscape. And if you hate the term dessert landscape as much as I do, it pretty much means rocks, dirt, shrubs, cactus. Nothing green or pretty about it. It is Arizona after all!