My $0.02 for Fellow Bloggers
I am no expert at blogging, but I have learned some things a long the way and I also have personally preferences. So, if you are looking to start blogging or looking for ways to update your blog, here are some tips I have. (Please keep in mind, these are my personal opinions- my two cents. So do not take anything to heart. You do not have to agree with what I am saying!)
– Opinion:
Those pop up things when I come to your blog that say “click here for 100 loyalty points”? Annoying. Personally, a turn off to me.
– Tip:
A good way to increase your page views is to not have the entire post showing. Using the code < ! – – more – – > (with no spaces) will only show part of your post thus making your readers click “read more” to continue reading the post thus increasing your page views.
– Opinion:
Those social media share bars that everyone seems to be adding to their blogs? You know, those tool bars on the right or left hand side of the blog that have all the social media share buttons? Make sure I can still read your post with that there! I have come across a few blogs that I cannot read the post because this bar is in the way. Really annoying and frustrating when I want to read what you wrote!
– Tip:
Proofread your post if you have to. Twice in the last couple of weeks I have stumbled upon blogs that are so mis-spelt, it’s unreadable. That is a major turn off.
– Opinion:
Please do not act like you are the Queen of Blogging and that your way is the only way. You may be experienced, your way may work for you, but just because someone does something different, do not belittle them.
– Tip:
No follow links? Do what you feel is best for you and your blog. Personally, I do not want to risk losing my page rank so I no follow any compensated links (meaning if I receive money or free products, I no-follow the link). Again, my personal preference for me and my blog. Maybe in the future that will change. There is not set law regarding no-follow so follow your own instinct and do what is best for YOU.
– Tip:
Support your fellow bloggers. Do not bash them. We all have the same goal in mind. And, you never know when you may need your fellow bloggers so support them. Don’t tear them down.
What is your $0.02 for other bloggers? I’d love to hear them!
Disclosure: This is my personal opinion. It may not be your preference or your opinion, but please do not bash me for it. We are both “professionals” so why are we bad mouthing each other? We should be supporting each other, not bashing each other.