Review: World of Yum Books

Review: World of Yum Books

My kids (Buddy will be 4 in a month and Buggy is 6) have never been into us reading to them until recently. With Buggy in kindergarten and learning how to read, she is now much more open to us reading to her. And of course, monkey see monkey do, so Buddy is open to it as well. I was super excited to receive 8 World of Yum “Fly Me to the Moon” bedtime stories.

From the World of Yum website:

What is the World of Yum?

The World of Yum is a bright, magical and exciting world full of wonderful characters, adventures and FUN! In the World of Yum, we strive to encourage the following principles: nutrition, activity, nature and family.

The World of Yum and it’s inhabitants aim to inspire and ignite a movement of happy, educated and empowered children for generations to come.

What my children and I loved about these books is the great illustration and colors! They were so bright! And what I loved was the message behind each story.

The books begin with Bubba the Whale.
Bubba travels to the moon to tell bedtime stories to the children he brings with and to the inhabitants (the Moonsicles) of the moon. He shares stories about his friends like Frank the Snaketank and Kazaam Wham Wow.

All in all, these are great, colorful stories for all ages alike! (I know as a mommy I enjoyed them!)

Have you read any of the World of Yum books? What did you and your little ones think?